Let's Get Started

Achieve sexual self-mastery, freedom from sexual dysfunction, and build your new, porn-free life.

Your Free Trial

Select a plan below and start your 3-day free trial. You'll be billed 72 hours after you start your trial. Cancel any time from within the platform.

Your Privacy, Anonymity and Discretion

You are free to leave your profile blank and choose a pseudonym if you wish. Your data and invoicing will be handled in line with our discretion and privacy policy.

You're free to attend coaching calls with a pseudonym, camera off, and even mic off, if you wish. It's up to you! To get a new, anonymous and secure private email, we recommend our partner Protonmail.

Device Compatibility and Access

All courses, resources, community and coaching calls are accessed via one platform, available on a web browser, as well as through the Mighty Networks third-party Android app and iOS apps (which you install after sign up, if you wish).